Thursday, 25 January 2018

Five Simple Steps To Transfer Audio Cassette To CD

Some years before the cassettes were the only medium to preserve the data in the audio form. The advancement of technology has made it possible to convert the audio tapes to the CDs. The CDs have taken the place of the audio cassettes because the cassettes are not much reliable and they start deteriorating after some time. Storing important data in the cassette was not reliable so it is recommended to transfer the data from the audio cassette to CD. The cassette players have also become obsolete.  You might have some important data or your favorite stuff in your audio cassettes and you want to move it to the CD.
For this purpose, you have to connect the cassette player to the sound card of your computer for transferring cassette to CD and then start recording the audio on the computer in MP3 or WAV format. After that you can transfer these audio files to a CD.

But two squares converting audio cassette to CD requires you to follow some steps. You also need some important things like
  • A PC with sound card
  • A“Y” stereo adapter cable having RCA connectors at both ends
  • Software for sound recording
  • A cassette player having audio RCA output
The 5 important steps are given as follows

Step 1
Insert your audio cassette into your cassette player.

Step 2
Connect one end of the RCA connector to your cassette player and the other end to the computer’s sound card. Make sure the plug is connected appropriately. Now turn on the computer and the cassette player.
Step 3
Now open the sound recording software in your computer. Some software not only record, but also helps in editing the recorded audio. There is a record button, you should click it. In some software, the red dot indicates this button. Also push the “play” button on the cassette player. The audio coming from the cassette player will be recorded on your PC.

Step 4
Click the stop button after the recording is done. You can save that file and give the file name of your own choice. You can save this file to any location on your computer.

Step 5
When you have saved that file, you can also edit it in a way you want. You can also cut out some data. After you have done your editing, the file can be transferred to CD. Take a blank CD and insert it into the CD writer of your PC and burn your CD. The transfer of audio cassette to the CD is complete now.

Important Note
1. Recording at low levels is recommended because high levels can cause distortion and are impossible to fix.

2. It is important to clean the head of the cassette payer before playing the cassette. Dust can damage the player.
 3. Using a high end audio interface, quality software and connectors are important to use for professional transfer.

4. After transferring the audio, it is recommended to restore, clean and get it mastered. 

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